‘You don’t know how strong you are until being strong is the only thing you can do’

EquiTeam’s Liz Daniels chats to Riders Minds founder Victoria Wright on Mental Health Awareness Week

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In 2021 the equestrian community was shocked at the tragic death of event rider Matthew Wright following his battle with poor mental health.

EquiTeam’s Liz Daniels chats to Riders Minds founder Victoria Wright on Mental Health Awareness Week, about piecing her world back together, the formation of mental health charity Riders Minds and how she still managed to drive Caunton Manor Stud forward despite the fact her world was in turmoil. 

Please note, this podcast mentions suicide which some people might find triggering. If you need support you can contact Riders Minds free of charge on 0800 088 2073.

Mental Health Awareness Week takes from 13-19th May 2024. 

Riders Minds details are here:

Website: https://ridersminds.org/

Live text support: 07480 488 103

Call the helpline: 0800 088 2073

You can find out more about Caunton Manor Stud here:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cauntonmanorstud/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cauntonmanorstud/

Website: https://www.cauntonmanorstud.com 

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