Spring is here… apparently

Spring is just around the corner and we are looking at what you can do now to prepare for a great spring and summer with your horses.

Spring officially arrived on 20th March, which seems quite ridiculous as the horses are getting soaked outside in their muddy fields!

But there are plenty of other signs that Spring is finally starting to appear and we are all breathing a huge sigh of relief that the days are getting longer and lighter.

It is however also the time of year to make sure you have spring and summer preparations in place.

Weight management

If you have a horse that suffers from laminitis, Cushing’s or EMS you will probably already checking digital pulses as part of your daily routine and be obsessive about weather forecasts, temperature and grass growth.

Checking your horse’s digital pulses daily is really important for everyone as it is an early indicator of inflammation in the foot. It is important to know what is normal for your horse so you can recognise when there is a difference. Checking your horse’s legs daily will help.

If you are unsure about checking digital pulses, you can watch our video HERE.

If you are lucky enough to be able to weigh your horse regularly this is the ideal way to keep an eye out for weight gain. Most of us aren’t this lucky though, so investing in a weight tape and taking regular photographs to allow you to body condition score and notice any changes is really helpful.

It is hard to notice changes when you see your horse every day, but taking weekly photographs to compare makes it a lot easier. 

You can watch the video with Sarah from Baileys Horse Feeds on Body Scoring HERE.

Download our Body Condition Score Chart to keep a track of your horse’s weight. 

Restricted Grazing

It is hard to notice grass growth in a paddock which is constantly grazed, but look at verges and the grass in your garden – if that is growing, then the grass in your field is too, it’s just the horses are eating it as quickly as it is growing. Restricting grazing before you notice any weight gain allows for a much better management routine than spending all of the summer months trying to get weight off again.

Perimeter Grazing

One of the most effective ways of restricting grazing is to fence off a square in the middle of your field so the horses graze the track around it. This keeps them constantly moving to find new grass. Move the fence a little each day or couple of days.

It is not always possible to change your turnout set up so it’s always worth considering a muzzle whilst the grass is changing, and remember that taking rugs off can also act as a valuable weight management tool.

Sweet Itch

When it comes to managing conditions such as sweet itch it really is a case of prevention is better than cure. If your horse suffers from sweet itch now is the time to put a sweet itch rug on under your usual rugs. Midges and flies start to catch once the temperature reach double figures so even though you might not have noticed them yet – they are hatching.

Its better for them to be wearing them a week too soon, than a week too late. 

Watch our video on Sweet Itch Prevention.

Some veterinary practices are offering the sweet itch vaccine. The vaccine course comprises of two injections two weeks apart and must be given before the midges and flies hatch. If you have missed the window of opportunity for this year it is always worth making a note in your calendar for next year.

Sweet itch


If you are heading out to competitions, camps and clinics this year, check the rules of the venues/organisers about vaccinations and check your horses are up to date.
You can download the vaccination regulations HERE.


If you haven’t been able to ride much over the winter and are just starting to bring your horses back into work, remember the importance of building up gradually. The last thing you want to do is jump on board, do too much and risk them gaining an injury and you missing the summer.

Check out our veterinary approved fitness plan HERE.

Hacking with purpose is one of the best ways to help support your horse’s fitness – you can find our video HERE.

If you have competitions planned, work out your fitness start date by working backwards from your first planned outing, remember to add a couple of weeks to allow for any hiccups.

Don’t forget about your own fitness too – you want to be able to enjoy your outings with your horse and not spend your days out of puff and sore from doing too much.

We have a range of workouts and workout plans, for all levels of fitness and expectations on the Fit to Ride page and there is still time to join in with our current fitness plan HERE.

Spring Cleaning

While our horses are changing their coats they can look a little scurfy.
Watch our video on tips for hair removal HERE.

And remember for efficient grooming you need to regularly clean your grooming kit, you can catch the video HERE.

Finally, for those finishing touches before a competition or lesson why not give hot clothing a go – the best top tip for turning out your horses!

This winter has felt quite relentless for horse owners, so we are delighted that spring is here!

Enjoy this wonderful time of year and embrace the warmer weather and longer days before we start worrying about the next seasonal challenges!!

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