Ride with Video Library
Find all of our videos filmed with you in mind, to help you improve your riding and confidence in the saddle.

Ride with Video Library
Scroll down to see our entire horse care library. We have placed your videos into sub categories to make it easier for you to find them.
If you would like to access our extensive video library and EquiTeam content, we would love you to join us.
- Back to basics
We all need to go back to basics sometimes wherever we are on our riding journey.
- Learning dressage tests
- Entering online dressage
- Why consistency matters
- Introducing shoulder in
- Half halt
- Understanding contact
- Lower leg security
- Improving balance
- Jumping v two point
- Different saddles explained
- How and why to use a neckstrap
- Correct stirrup length
- Riding a centre line
- Riding a 20m circle
- Why impulsion matters
- Bend v flexion
- Riding without stirrups
- Dressage test movements to practice
- Riding serpentines
- Leg yielding made easy
- Transitions within the pace
- Building an arena
- Rider exercises
On the horse exercises to help improve your riding.
- Pole exercises for flatwork
Pole exercises designed to help your flatwork.
- Pole exercises for jumping
Pole exercises designed to help your jumping
- Jumping exercises and courses
Jumping exercises and courses to help you and your horse.
- Tri jump exercise
- Jump course with four jumps
- Building and riding bounces
- Six jump course
- Jumping on an angle
- Jumping a showjumping course
- Teardrop jumping exercise
- Hugh cross poles
- Plus four jump exercise
- Double to curve line
- Gridwork
- Centre line jump exercise
- Walking a showjumping course
- Centre line jump exercise
- Building a simple grid
- Building a course with four jumps
- Figure of eight jumping exercise
- Jumping on a curved line
- Building confidence
We give you the tools to help you build your confidence with your horse