Prioritising yourself in the festive period

EquiTeam’s coach Liz Daniels explores looking after yourself in the festive period.

OK, so this is quite an ironic topic coming from me – but I’m keen to learn as much as everyone else is about looking after yourself… so let’s explore.

As I write this we have 10 days until Christmas and I am feeling a little overwhelmed… I have so much work that needs doing before Christmas arrives and we are going to see relatives ahead of Christmas, which will be amazing – but removes three days of cramming and last minute panic buying.

Everyday life is always crammed (which is essentially where the problem starts), and that’s before I start thinking about Christmas, presents, delivering, wrapping and let’s not even mention Austen’s birthday on Christmas Eve.

Selfishly the postal strikes are causing me an extra headache as my usual last isn’t going to work this year, which is me completely out of the game! Apologies to anyone waiting on a present or a card!

But this year I am determined that I WILL enjoy Christmas and have some much needed time out with my family. I’ve committed – I am having some time off!

My situation is far from unique – when you start reading you realise that lots of people feel exactly the same, but for a multitude of reasons.

The feeling that you are being pulled in every direction is a very common one, with so many ‘expectations’ but I am reminded that it is OK to politely say No. Something I am VERY bad at.

So here are the top tips that I came across and the ones I will be trying to implement:

Don’t feel pressured

Instead take time to think about what you would like to do. Can some tasks, or social visits wait until after Christmas? Be realistic with your time and prioritise, as you would if you were at work.
Create a to do list so you don’t need to store everything in your head and mark them with a 1,2,3 priority rating. This helps you organise and helps to prevent you from procrastinating!



This is such an important part of health and well-being. The NHS recommend seven or more hours per night on a regular basis to promote optimal health. Sleeping less than seven hours per night on a regular basis is associated with adverse health outcomes, including weight gain and obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and stroke, as well as a negative effect on your mental health.

Be organised

Get organised as early as you can. It’s probably like being at a show – it’s all in the preparation so you can enjoy the main event.

Down time

Balance being physically active with allowing yourself to enjoy some down time doing nothing…. without feeling guilty. 

Eat well

Eat well and by well we don’t mean eat everything insight (mince pies spring to mind!). It’s easy to overindulge over Christmas, but like all things keep it in moderation.


Keep in touch

Christmas isn’t an easy time for everyone. Whatever the reason, not everyone wants to celebrate, but keeping in touch with your friends and family is equally as important for them as it is for you.

Chatting in the EquiTeam Connected group is a great way of getting to chat ponies with lots of lovely people.


Many people find Christmas a struggle because they are out of their normal routine and have more time than normal on their own. If you are struggling, then it is important to speak to someone and tell them how you are feeling. If you know someone is finding it tough, simply asking how they are and listening to their answer goes a long way to letting them know that you care. There are lots of free and confidential helplines and text services – have a look at Mind and Riders Minds for more support.

Do something for you

Take time out to do some things you enjoy. This might be with your horse, reading a book, watching a film – whatever it is – give yourself some relaxing things to look forward to. Self-care is NOT selfish.

Have fun

This is the bit as adults that we sometimes forget about!

Self care blog

So armed with this facts I am away to write my to do list, prioritise, make sure I get some sleep and as for not eating too many mince pies.. I can’t promise on that one!

Merry Christmas everyone, have fun, check in with everyone when you can and enjoy.

Liz x

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