Meet the pony changing lives one hug at a time

On this week’s podcast we meet Huggy the Shetland Pony, and owner Caeleigh, who are taking the work of therapy horses by storm, one hug at a time.

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As a horse owner and rider herself, Caeleigh had previously tried to keep the horses separate from her young son, Johnathan who has Cerebral Palsy, but after a physio encouraged her to allow Johnathan to be around the horses she couldn’t believe the difference in him physically and emotionally.

Last year Caeleigh created Hugs of Argyll so that therapy pony Huggy can offer one-to-one sessions, visit care homes, schools and public events, whilst raising awareness of the positive benefits that horses can have on your mental health.

They truly are changing lives one hug at a time.

Find out more here and follow them on Facebook

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